We did it!

The coalition and supporters like you have preserved CNIP in the CA State budget.

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Market Match / CNIP Overview

Important Update from June 29, 2024

On June 29, 2024, Governor Newsom signed the joint budget bill which preserves all $35 million of funding for CNIP / Market Match in the California state budget. This is a huge milestone in a challenging budget year, and we owe it in large part to the strength and voice of this coalition.
Thank you for your support! Please also thank the Governor by clicking the link below.

Keeping Fresh, Locally-Grown Food Accessible to All

In the face of a statewide budget crisis, the Governor’s January budget proposal presented cuts that would have ended the Market Match program, funded through the California Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP), a critical lifeline for food-insecure families and California farmers. This coalition of 250+ strong organizations and thousands of supporters helped change that by convincing the legislature and governor to reinstate CNIP in the State budget. 

  • Started in 2009, Market Match is a statewide food safety net program that brings critical federal dollars to California. 
  • Market Match provides CalFresh, and other federal nutrition benefit-using shoppers, a dollar-for-dollar match to purchase even more fresh produce at farm-direct sites, like farmers’ markets. 
  • It simultaneously generates vital income for California’s small and mid-sized farmers. It’s a win-win!

Demand fresh, healthy food for all Californians. Contact your state representative TODAY and urge them to keep Market Match/CNIP in the state budget.

Hundreds of thousands of low-income shoppers and thousands of farmers depend on YOU to help save Market Match/CNIP.

Bipartisan Support for Healthy Food Incentives:

Providing incentives to low-income households to purchase healthy locally-grown food has always enjoyed uniquely widespread bipartisan support. Market Match and CNIP deliver so many benefits that they bridge common gaps:

  • Food Insecurity and Farm Support – this one program simultaneously feeds hungry California families and provides critical revenue for small and midsize California farms.
  • Urban and Rural Communities – certified farmers’ markets and other farm-direct outlets, directly serve communities in both cities and rural towns. While more farmers’ market customers live in more highly-populated urban areas, the CalFresh benefits and incentives they spend at farmers’ markets tend to flow to rural California communities where most participating farms operate.
  • Public and Economic Health – incentivizing the purchase and consumption of California-grown fruits and vegetables not only improves nutrition and prevents diet-related health problems, it also directs federal and state nutrition dollars directly into the pockets of California growers instead of national corporations and international exporters–keeping those dollars circulating in the State.

“I am a single parent of two, struggling to get a business off the ground. Market Match has helped me feel good about buying fresh produce for my family, and helps us stretch our limited funds.”

– Nat, Oakland CA

“At 78 years old, I am still working as a self-employed person. I hope to be able to work until 85. If not, it is going to be very difficult for me to pay my rent, let alone buy food. The Market Match is essential for me. Without it, I will find it difficult to buy enough food each month.” 

– Rosemary E.,  Berkeley CA

Market Match has helped my farm workers and community members who pick the fruit and veggies from the field but can’t afford to buy it from the stores. This program ensures access to fresh fruit and veggies to our low income community.”

– Sulam Y., Madera CA

Overall, my mental and physical health is greatly improved by the Market Match and I hope to see it continue for generations to come. This is how communities thrive.”

– Sean D. Los Angeles

“Last year when my son said, ‘what are those?’ and pointed at the strawberries I bought with Market Match. He’s four and that’s when I realized it was four years since I could afford strawberries. I found out about Market Match it changed that.”

– Naved, Los Angeles CA

I have had an immensely difficult time finding a job and Market Match has been an essential part of my weekly grocery shopping. Because of Market Match, I never have to worry about running out of CalFresh funds.  Market Match […] is simply an irreplaceable benefit that not only encourages people to buy fresh foods, but also solidifies a sense of community and camaraderie at the market.”

– Sophia V., Los Angeles CA

“You have no idea. I have been able to get vegetables with Market Match and then if I wanted protein or bread I was able to purchase it. It has been instrumental in my survival.”

– Ana H., Chico CA

“Before, because of the expensive cost of produce, it was very difficult to get good produce for my disabled daughter who really needs to eat healthy. With the Market Match, my daughter loves to eat the fresh delicious produce she gets at the farmers market.”

– Diane A., Castro Valley CA